Welcome to the Website of the New York State Chapter of the NWTF
Click the links at the top of the page to find your NWTF field staff and local chapter contacts and when and where to find your local NWTF events. You'll also find links to the National NWTF web site and other web sites that have interesting information for New York sportsmen.
What is the NWTF?
The NWTF — a national nonprofit organization — is the leader in upland wildlife habitat conservation in North America. Founded in 1973, the NWTF is headquartered in Edgefield, S.C., and has local chapters in every state. The NWTF is dedicated to the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of our hunting heritage.
Through vital partnerships with state, federal and provincial wildlife agencies, the NWTF and our members have helped restore wild turkey populations throughout North America — from a mere 30,000 in the entire United States to more than 7 million across the United States, Canada and Mexico.
Winner of the NYS ATV Raffle
Bert Cowan was the winner of the 2024 Polaris Sportsman 450 ATV selected on January 11, 2025!
2024 Annual Raffle Ticket Winners
1.Ronald Miller,Oregon NY
2.Paul Rivenburgh,Stillwater NY
3.Tom Pepper,Addison NY
4.Greg Brenton,Bethpage NY
5.Leslie Potter,Minoa,NY
6.Christopher French,Bay Shore NY
7.Joseph Ciechanowicz,Hunting Station,NY
8.Donna Burgh,Spencer NY
9.Gary Wilhelm,Ellenville,NY
10.Lucas Quarella,Whitney Point,NY
2024 NY State Seed Subsidy Program
Once again, your New York State Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation is offering seed to its adult members at a discount through the State Subsidy Program.
This exclusive online ordering system will give you, the member, the opportunity to quickly and easily pay for your subsidized order, saving time and helping us to continue to improve our efficiency.
This online ordering system will replace printed forms and eliminate the need to fax or mail your order as you did in the past. This will give you access to available products in your state and you will receive a confirmation email at the end of your order. If you do not receive an email confirmation, please check your SPAM folder.
This is a first-come, first-served program, so order early! We are unable to accept phone orders.
To view your state’s offerings and access the new online system, visit www.nwtf.org/subsidy.
NOTE: To access the online ordering page, the cookies on your computer must be enabled. You must either enter your membership number or type your name and address exactly as it appears on the address of Turkey Call magazine.
Follow us on Facebook!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NWTFNewYork/
Dr. James Earl Kennamer Academic Scholarship Program
Scholarship applications for current high school seniors are due to local chapters by January 10. See Scholarships under For Youth on the menu at the top of the page for more details.
Wild Turkey Sighting Survey
The DEC has released information on their Summer (August) Wild Turkey Sighting Survey project. You can find details on this project here: https://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/48732.html.
You can find a downloadable reporting form here: https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/sumturksurv.pdf.
If you prefer, your observations can be reported online instead, using the following link: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1726062/Summer-Wild-Turkey-Sighting-Survey.
Conservation Seed - Tentative Arrival
CLICK HERE to review updated NWTF-NY seed program information.
2024 Calendar Raffle Winning Numbers
12/25 - 177
12/18 - 564
12/11 - 864
12/4 - 994
11/27 - 762
11/20 - 517
11/13 - 817
11/6 - 734
10/30 - 987
10/23 - 022
10/16 - 643
10/9 - 168
10/2 - 510
9/25 - 221
9/18 - 895
9/11 - 238
9/4 - 821
8/28 - 424
8/21 - 178
8/14 - 613
8/7 - 033
7/31 - 716
7/24 - 859
7/17 - 122